Wednesday, November 6, 2013

one month old!

So November 4th was Louis' 1 month birthday - and he's doing great.  Yesterday we took him to Dr. Cao, our fabulous pediatrician, and found out that Louis has gained a few pounds this month…weighing in at 11.3 pounds (2 lbs more than he did at birth).  He's in the 85th percentile of his age/weight group…he's a big boy…which is good news because it means he's doing well on just breast milk.

A few firsts this week:
Daddy taught Louie to use a pacifier! (Louie's growing up and has been able to be comforted by others besides mama this past week or so, which is exciting for us all!!)  He doesn't take the pacifier from me yet, (infants get confused when the source of their milk offers something different than usual),  but when Mike comforts him in the evenings and 'wears' him down to sleep, it is a big help (though not a fully formed habit as of yet).  We'll have to use this papa-teaching technique later this week or next when we introduce a bottle…
First Pacifier - thanks daddy

Louie also had his first bath!  And he took to it like a pro: no crying.  He seemed quite chill through it all..maybe a true mama's boy in this respect (I love baths soooo much).

And today, the little man has slept for 4+ hours three days in a row! We are falling into a bit of a schedule as he is naturally not asking to be fed until 3 hrs after the previous feeding.  About 11pm he has his last big nursing of the day and is in bed by 11:30/12…sleeping til 4:00am or a bit after.  Then he rises once more at 7am and then he and I cuddle in bed until 9am or so.  So we are getting much more rest as of late, which is awesome.

Louie's also starting to make some cute 'oohs' and 'ahhs', squeaks and squeals…