Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Summer in New Jersey

Each weekend this July we've been enjoying Bomma & Papa's company while helping with the bittersweet chore of packing up their lovely house.  Bellingham is the perfect spot, but, they will be missed!  Louie loved his time with his soon-to-be West Coast grandparents, played endlessly in their big yard, got excited with each 'new' gift / packing find from papa and got to know 52 Floral Lane.  A few memories we don't want to forget...

where are we going Louie? 

new truck from papa            

loves digging! 


hi Aunt Del ~ 

big hugs on our last day

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Thank You Bomma!

On the eve of Louie's Bomma & Papa's big move out West, we want to share a few bye-bye posts..

First, the biggest THANK YOU to Bomma for coming out early early early EVERY Monday morning to be with Louie this year.  (And to Papa for flying solo each week).  Bomma, you braved our urban Brooklyn neighborhood, co-habited a NYC 2 bedroom with 4 people, made lots of parent & kid friends in the neighborhood, thoroughly explored Sunset Park and got the beginning of our week off to a clean and well-fed start!  Not to mention your amazing care given Lou.  So many smiles and games and words and stories and songs and hugs.  He has immeasurably benefit from spending half his week this year with his Bomma; we are in awe of your generosity and love.  We are so thankful and Louie loves you so much.  You will be missed in Brooklyn.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer Eating

Enjoying his supper..there may yet be hope for our picky eater..last night he couldn't get enough of Midnight Moon aged cheese and green olives marinated in herbs. He's on a veggie soup kick, which is nice, and he's been rockin the spoon and fork.  Hummus is still a clear fav as are 'cados', chicken & bananas. Not all together of course. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th!

I'm 21 months today..3/4 if the way to TWO. Here I am enjoying Cape Cod this morning w the beach to myself. Mama was with me:) and Daddy finally convinced me to walk waist deep in the ocean! I love the sand and the wind and the water. If you ask me if I want to go to the beach, my eyes light up..looking forward to more summer beach adventures!