Monday, October 21, 2013

Two Weeks Old!

On Friday, October 18th, I celebrated TWO whole weeks in this world!  A stunning thing, really.  And already I'm nursing well, gaining lots of weight,  (the dr said I had to gain 7 oz last week but I gained 13!), and sometimes sleeping at night for as long as 4.5 hrs. (ok, that happened once, but mom and dad tell me if I did it once, I can do it again…so will let you know if it ever becomes a habit!)

My mom and dad are really tired, but seem to be happy.  They're getting more comfortable taking me places…so far I've been to the dr.'s office, the grocery store, our neighborhood park, a local book store, and up and down Court Street a lot. I like my car seat and riding in the back seat with mom next to me.

Mom's been alone with me all day only twice, so this is a big week for us, since we are on our own all week!  She's hoping to take a walk with me each day by herself, keep the house clean, take some naps while I sleep and maybe work in some piano practice, sewing and baking on her more ambitious days. Plus, of course nurse me every few hours, keep my behind warm and dry and hold me a lot (I still like to hear her heartbeat as often as possible).   I think I set us up for a good start to this 3rd week of life at home in Bklyn: last night I had three 3+ hour stretches of sleep  and gave mom (and dad) some good rest.

on my two-week birthday

walk in Sunset Park, passed out after nursing, hugging daddy


  1. Happy Belated 2-Week Birthday, Louis!

  2. You are quite the writer, Little Louis! Love your story! I can tell you are very happy.
