Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, it's been too long, folks! So much has happened in the past month….

On December 4th, I was Two Months Old!  And, for the record, I've learned a few new things.. I've started to smile socially…the day before Thanksgiving mom took me to her school and lots of people made big smiles when they met me and guess what?  I smiled right back! Sometimes you have to convince me to smile but I'm getting pretty good at smiling at you if you smile at me..

Lets see..I'm also getting better at keeping my head up when I'm on my tummy - and I can roll over to my side when I'm on my belly too..  This month I started to not mind sitting on people's laps and looking out ~ for the longest I really just wanted to be held over people's shoulders (I still like that too), but, my repertoire is expanding..

On Thankgiving I saw lots of family…met my cousins (Etta + Harry) for the first time!  (Not to mention my Aunt Cara, Uncle Jay, Great Aunt Jean, and a whole bunch of other new folks).

me and cousin etta!

me and harry...
we'll be best buds
aunt jean and her grand nephews

 In Massachusetts I saw Bubbie again and Aunt M introduced me to her dog…it was a blast. Mom and dad were a little nervous traveling with me - we spent a whole week away from home - but they had nothing to worry about, cause I did great.  (In case you're wondering, that means I wasn't too fussy at all, actually pretty happy most of the time, I slept well at night  (which still means 1 night time feeding), and, wait for it - I Slept The Whole Ride Up to Massachusetts from NJ!  There and Back!) Mom and dad can relax a bit about traveling with me now I think.

aunt M loves to dance w me

I got my first immunization shots last week - and it wasn't so nice.  The shots were real quick (my Dr is Great), but I was feeling pretty sick for the next day and a half..little fever, throwing up - it wasn't pretty and I worried a few folks…but I am on the other side of it and don't have to go through it all again until I'm 4 months, thank god.  It did mean we had to post-pone my blessing ceremony, but I'm glad I didn't have to travel while not feeling so hot and I know everyone's looking forward to coming together even more now..

They tell me Christmas is on it's way - it's Advent now - and as this is my first Christmas,  I have a lot to learn.  Mom and dad went to get a tree yesterday but I slept right through it.  But I loved watching them decorate - especially the lights (I love staring at light).  Right now, I'm sitting under the tree, staring at the tree lights…it's like a giant mobile - so much to take in!

More soon.

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