Sunday, December 21, 2014


Lou's understanding so much now..which is amazing and fun to watch. At 14 months some of his favorite things ...

Kicking the soccer ball 
Playing the drums
Loading CDs 
Dancing to music 
Having his Potty book read to him 
Walking / running the circuit of our apt
Eating bread
Taking a bath
Looking at Christmas lights 
Hugging the cat (who endures them gracefully)
Pushing buttons 
Saying 'uh oh!', and 'nononono' 

Looking forward to Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2014


Louie's nanny made his costume using a paper bag and tin foil ~ he went as his favorite piece of technology...mama's iPhone!  The month before Louie started holding everything up to his ear and saying 'aye!'

Saturday, November 8, 2014

October 4th, 2014 - Saying Good-bye to Great Grandpa

On Louie's actual birthday we traveled down to Maryland to visit with my Grandpa.
Though a sad occasion, it was good to be surrounded by family.  Grandpa passed a few weeks later, which made these moments that much more meaningful.  Good-bye Granddad.  We'll miss you.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Louie!

We celebrated in Sunset Park, the wonderful hill-top city park a few blocks from our house.  
Lots of good Sunset eats...Chinese dumplings, Middle Eastern pies, and Mexican tamales to name a few.  And, Louie loved his first taste of SUGAR!  Thanks M.Bittman for a killer cake recipe! And thanks to all family & friends who gathered to help us celebrate A Year With Louie! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

First Pizza ~ September 14th, 2014

After a fun stroll through Bensonhurst (old Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn), Louie enjoyed his first pizza pie from Spumoni Gardens!  Ok, he didn't eat an entire PIE, but, he loved his many bites of his classic Sicilian style slice!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Louie got his two bottom teeth right at 6 months. We've been awaiting the top..and all 4 came in quick succession...he's been teething from June 26 - July 23..surrounding his 9mnth birthday.  And now, all 4 top teeth are through! Here comes an increasingly toothy grin! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Recap...Months 6-8

My repertoire of Stuff-I-Can-Do is ever-expanding!  Looking back on it, I've been more prone to MOVING than being still.  So, covering ground and sitting happened about the same time for me...sometime in month 7.  

When I was 6 months I loved to twist and roll my way across the floor, but wasn't too interested in sitting still.  By a little past my 7th month, I was pulling myself across the floor real fast and in any direction...and then sitting pretty solidly too.  In the pictures below, I started by the play mat in the back.  Trying to get mom's computer! 

Now that I'm 9 months old (can you believe it?), I still prefer the Rambo style of crawling.  Every now and then I get on all fours and sort of hop forward, but my belly crawl is working, so maybe I won't change it...we'll see!  

Dad had to lower my crib because I started pulling myself up last month..around 8 months.  Now at 9 months I'm doing some walking with hands held and standing and playing at our coffee table -- as long as someone spots me! 

I'm eating lots of stuff - carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, peas, avocados, oatmeal.  Now that mom's done with school, she's going to start to cook for me - adding in some herbs and spices...I'll let you know how I do!  

I still love cats and dogs and get super excited when I see them.  I like sitting out on our stoop, watching folks go by.  I smile when people say 'Hello' and that usually makes people's day.  Here's one for you!  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Thanks, everybody!

For the past 3 months or so, my aunts and grandmas have been helping mama and papa with watching me when they go to work to earn the big bucks.  It was fun getting to spend time with everyone -- here's a special thanks to them!  Mom and Dad say they felt fine going back to work, knowing I was in good hands.  (The first 2 days were hard for mama, but we made it through).

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Louie's Blessing

In early May we were able to gather and celebrate & bless little Louie.
Thanks to all who traveled and organized the ceremony and celebration ~ it was beautiful!

dad leading the simple ceremony ~ Michal
brought the bowl that was used for 
her baptism to use for Louie.

with Aunt Jean, Michael's godmother

with Malcolm & Nancy, Jesse's godfather

getting dressed
Daddy and his sister wore this at their baptism.
So did Bomma and her siblings..