Saturday, March 7, 2015

my how time flies..our baby is walking & talking!

March 4th, 2015 -- a slightly warm day on which Louie turned 17th months, we returned from an afternoon walk to the store and as I was taking my coat off I heard him say 'Ho-me'? (all new words end in a question tone and are super elongated).   Then he said it again.  He babbles/talks a lot so I am used to talking back, but then I realized, he said HOME!  He then took my keys and said "Keys!".  All that narrating is starting to pay off.  In the store he was practicing 'hummus' and 'yogurt' as we filled our cart.  He's great at the intonation and gets the basic sounds right but not all the consonants... 

I think the word explosion began a few weeks back when we were driving home from NJ and as I sat next to him, I realized he was SAYING 'nose', 'eye', 'mouth' while pointing to them.  (At the beginning of 16 months he could only point to them on command.)   

He's currently obsessed with a few words -- 'bus' (one passes our apartment every 20 min or so) and 'trucks', and 'down'.  When we walk along 5th Ave in Brooklyn, we have to stop and watch & wave at the busses.  Louie loves to call 'Bye!' when anything he's watching leaves.  He signs a few words (milk, eat, music, please, thank you, more, bath) -- but is starting to say them all too.  He's so funny when he wants to know the word for something because he stares so intently at your mouth as you repeat it for him.  He'll try it for himself, you'll repeat it, he'll say it again, then you, and he'll eventually seem satisfied that he understands.   In the bath he loves saying 'dump!' when we pour his cup of water out...that may be his first verb :) 

We got Louie his first potty a few weeks ago -- he seemed super interested in the whole process.  As soon as we unwrapped it he sat down and peed in it!!  But since will only sit on it while fully clothed.  

Finally falling asleep on his own -- It was kind of fun teaching him how to do it -- seemed the right time now that he's understanding so much.  And he's finally enjoying sitting still for stories!!!  Hallelujah! 

He still loves music and dancing -- and loves eating when we go out to restaurants (big fan of rice and black beans).  He's getting a little better about eating, though is behind the curve as far as feeding himself with any utensils goes...will do it with some success but isn't too interested as of yet.  

We're all hankering for spring...which we hope is right around the corner!!  


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